Administrator X Windows System32

You can use an absolute path or a relative path. I’ll explain both, and I’ll also explain how to get there if your current working directory is on a separate drive. I am on the administrator:x:windows system32 cmd.exe. And am not able to recover anything I have in my computer. Answered by a verified Software technician. Why are you using cmd to reset laptop? Can't you get into laptop? If so, on another PC, download the Windows 10 media creation tool and use it to make a win 10 installer on USB.

What do I type after x:windowssystem32>?
More Information
Sorry community, I reset my computer setting back to where I added a new user or administrator coz I couldn't log into the old user profile. That was alright, except there was no desktop whenever I logon, so I tried to find out to get the desktop on.
When I couldn't get it on I thought of resetting the computer when I first got it that was 4 days ago,but I reset it back when I had to add new user/admin'. Then when I shut it down I went back on and it wouldn't go pass 'system recovery'.
I pushed f8 and it gave me options I went to safe command prompt and thought of typing in lusrmgr... But it didn't work so that's why I'm asking the question

HI my laptop is stuck on x:/windows/system32/cmd.exe does anybody know how to reboot it? It is a asus u43f that i bought in the US, and it was working fine until I downloaded a pdf for my thesis and now since then I cannot reboot it. Enter the following the ‘Diskpart’ commands in the order listed below. X: windows system32 Diskpart (Press ‘Enter’ and wait for the ‘DISKPART’ command line utility to start).


Try a Startup Repair and / or a System Restore using a Microsoft Vista DVD

Manufacturers Recovery Disks do not normally have Repair Options; thay are normally a reinstall to Factory Settings option only.

Here is the guide to using the Repair Options while using a Microsoft Vista DVD.

If a friend or work acquantance of yours has one, you may borrow and use it for Repairs.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview of the Windows Vista Repair options
  2. How to perform an automatic repair of Windows Vista using Startup Repair
  3. Advanced Tools overview
  4. Conclusion

If you do not have or can not borrow a Microsoft DVD there is a download of a Vista Startup Repair ISO file available which you can make into a Bootable disk to do the above Startup Repair and that method is recommended by a lot of posters in these Forums.

What is administrator: x: windows system32

Unfortunately, you have to buy it.

Here is a link to it:

Administrator X Windows System32 Recovery


If you wanted to do a reinstall, where you lose all Data, you press F11 at Boot.

Administrator X Windows Bt Windows System32 Cmd Exe
