Html To Pdf C Itextsharp

Active2 years, 4 months ago

I have already implemented the HTML to PDF conversion via Itext 5 XMLWorker. Please find the code below:

Jul 09, 2013  Given the path name of an html file, and the desired pathname of a pdf file, convert the HTML file to PDF using ITextSharp. I've seen plenty of code samples which do close to this but not exactly what I need. Apr 23, 2013  Searches related to create pdf file c# create doc file c# create pdf file java create html c# c# itextsharp create pdf create pdf c# using itextsharp itextsharp tutorial c# itextsharp text. Issue with itextsharp converting html table to PDF how to convert html file to pdf file using itextsharp 5.1.1 How to convert an html string to a pdf using itextsharp.

I am unable to find the relevant example to full fill above requirement in Itext7.

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Amit GeraAmit Gera

1 Answer

You no longer have to pass/add the CSS file explicitly, pdfHTML(Html2Pdf was the internal development name for a while), can pick up stylesheets linked in the HTML. You might optionally have to define a base resource location if your CSS is not located in the same folder as your HTML.

In your HTML, add the following line in the header

And the conversion code of you want to add them to a

Samuel HuylebroeckSamuel Huylebroeck

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Active2 years, 11 months ago

I have tried the code below, I am also facing an error. I am using latest DLL.

I got this error:

The given key was not present in the dictionary.

Qaisar Shabbir AwanQaisar Shabbir Awan

2 Answers

Html To Pdf online, free

Alexis Pigeon
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C# Itext Html To Pdf

Kapil KhandelwalKapil Khandelwal
14.6k1 gold badge36 silver badges48 bronze badges

lets try below code it will help you convert HTML to PDF file.

Alexis Pigeon
6,52110 gold badges32 silver badges42 bronze badges

Itext Convert Pdf To Html


C# Convert Html To Pdf Itextsharp

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